Pay Per Head Payments
May 24, 2020

If you are looking to be a bookie then the first thing you would do is get signed up with one of the various pay per head companies.
These companies provide a fully inclusive website with thousands of betting options each day for players to bet on. In addition the PPH provider manages all the lines in house, 24/7, and up to the second, and there is also an option for players to use the virtual casino and Racebook to bet on horses.
When choosing which provider to use, there will be many factors to take into consideration, such as reliability, price, quality of customer service and website, amount of betting options available, and payment options. Since many of the pay per head sites are based offshore, it can often be a little tricky in order to pay for the service, because there are limited forms of payment that can be accepted, so it is important to choose a service that has easy and convenient payment methods.
Traditional Methods
One of the better sites on the market, with also various easy and convenient payment methods is Ace Per Head. They have the traditional Money Gram and Western Union payment option, however, those can often be very frustrating because, there are strict limits on how much you can send per transaction, and mistakes on transfers happen quite often because of misspellings or incorrect destinations, which are a hassle to correct.
However Ace Per Head has other options as well that are much easier such as cryptocurrencies and gift cards. In terms of cryptocurrencies they accept Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, and Stellar, and you can make those payments from anywhere in the world as long as you have Wi-Fi or internet connection. You will need to have a cryptocurrency wallet, but there are many options you can choose from. Two of the most popular wallets are coinbase, and cash app.
Then once you are ready to send a payment you just contact Ace, for their most current bitcoin address and send the funds there. The money is received instantly and you don’t have to worry about any fluctuations in prices, because it all completes in seconds and is completely anonymous and each time a brand new address is used for payments.
Gift Cards
The other option that Ace accepts for payments is scratch off-brand name gift cards. These are just the store brand name gift cards, from places such as Nike, CVS, and many others. There are over 20 different store brand gift cards that Ace accepts and they can be bought at any convenience store. In addition they also accept E-gift cards from certain brands that can be bought right online without even having to go to a store. Then you just provide the card number and Ace processes the payment and the funds get credited to your account instantly. This also has no fees for the cards and is completely anonymous.
So if you are looking for one of the better pay per head software companies in the industry, that also has the easiest and most convenient payment methods then give a call today at 1-800-909-5193 to get set up immediately.