Having a Reliable PPH Site During Covid-19 Pandemic
May 30, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world as we know it, and now humanity will need to adapt to the new normal life that is affecting the entire world. Every person and industry has been affected by this virus in some way or form, and the same holds true in the pay per head industry which caters to people who want to book action on sports.
This deadly virus has caused major sports leagues around the world to put their seasons on hold, and as a result, completely changed the betting environment for the time being. With MLB, NBA, and NHL all being put on hold, it left gambling fanatics with basically nothing to wager on. As a result, a lot of the pay per head sites had to close down for a period of time, or just close permanently.
Agents who had positive balances on their accounts at sites that closed down, unfortunately, were not refunded and were left trying to find a new pay per head service. A lot of small shops that do not have a lot of customers had to close because there were not very many betting options available which meant a lot fewer players were betting. This simply left smaller companies with not enough customers to afford the cost of keeping the operation going. Running a top-quality pay per head site costs a lot of money each week, between servers, employees, technology, and other costs.
Another group of services that also went out of business was the ones that were charging a very small price per head fee. The reason they went out of business is that their low price caused them to have very small profit margins, and with a lot less players betting they were not making enough money to cover the costs of the business.
However one of the global leaders in the pay per head business is Ace Per Head.com and they have not only been able to stay in business, but they have been at the forefront of introducing new types of betting options to keep players still engaged in gambling. They have various simulation video games that can be bet on and watched directly on each player account on sports such as NFL Madden20, MLB The Show, NBA2k20, Fifa Soccer, NHL20, and UFC. This betting option has been particularly popular with the younger millennial generation of gamblers.
In addition, Ace Per Head also has stock price betting options which can be bet on from Monday thru Friday, on the over and under closing price on around 40 different stocks per day. They also have weather prediction high and low-temperature bets for various cities that can be bet daily. Another unique betting option Ace has available is horse matchup bets for each race of each track that is currently running races.
As a result, Ace Per Head has been able to function as a normal business during these precedent times and has been able to adapt quickly and successfully in the now different gambling environment. So if you are looking for a new pay per head service because your current one went out of business or you are just looking to start a new sportsbook business then give www.AcePerHead.com a call today at 1-800-909-5193 to get set up with one of the best pay per head services still in the business.