Best Gambling Business

Running and operating a gambling business is a very lucrative option, just look at all the luxurious casinos in the world, that literally make money hand over fist, and can afford to give away lots of free stuff, such as rooms, drinks, meals, entertainment, and more. However, you don’t need to be a multimillion-dollar casino to get in on the action.

Instead, any person or entrepreneur can get involved in the gambling world and set up their own gambling business.  One of the best gambling business options for individual people to book action on sports and become a bookie is to utilize a pay per head service.

Pro PPH Service

These services do everything you would need and more, such as provide a professional sportsbook website with hundreds of thousands of betting options to choose from each day, with the lines being updated up to the second, directly by the per head provider. Once each ends they grade all wagers and then all player and agent accounts get automatically updated with the new up-to-date current balance.

Not only do these services handle all the day-to-day bookmaking responsibilities for anyone looking to set up their own sportsbook to offer customers, but they also make it extremely affordable. Instead of spending millions of dollars investing in operating a casino, or even building and managing your own sportsbook website with constantly moving odds, you can get set up in the pay per head industry which offers the same product for a fraction of the cost, allowing the regular Joe to earn money from this lucrative industry.

Price Per Player

The price can vary, but the average price is around $10 per active player per week. An active player is just someone that makes a wager that actually gets graded that week as a win or a loss.  So if the player doesn’t play that week you don’t get charged. 

To put it simply if you had 50 players but only 25 players had graded wagers that week, then the fee would be a total of $250 for that week.  In the gambling business, operating a sportsbook for $250 a week is as cheap as it gets, just asks any casino owner how much it costs to run a casino each week?  Whatever the players win or lose, you handle those payments directly between you and your players, and then you as the bookie keeps 100% of those profits. 

Depending on how frequently your players bet per day and week, and how much they bet per game, will end up determining how much they lose per week. However, even small players that bet a couple of times a day and $50 to $100 a game, can quickly lose hundreds to thousands of dollars per week.  There is no limit to the amount of money you can make from running your own gambling business. PPH Casino Services.

Since the pay per head provider does all the bookmaking work for you, this leaves you plenty of time to just handle your part of the business, which is just paying people when they win and collecting from people when they lose. 

The faster you are at paying people when they win, then the better your reputation will become, which will lead to you getting referred even more new players. Every additional player you add to your gambling business will earn you even more money since any player added will make you a lot more than the minimal amount it will cost to have him being an active bettor on your site. The more players you have, then the more money you will make in your gambling business, so get set up today so you can start earning money from this lucrative business.

Ace Staff: Ace Sportsbook's Customer Service Department specializes in online sports gambling, and are experts in customer care and handling wagers. We work hard so our customers can have an easy and professional experience. Part of the reason we care so much is because of how much our client's appreciate it! Do you have an experience you want to share? Email us your feedback!